Duncan Programs Now Available!

Make it Your Own with a Custom Yo-Yo
Whether you are a youth focused organization or a corporation, we can customize yo-yo’s that represent your company or message in a fun way! From fund raising, promotional giveaways and advertising to kids’ parties, school stores and summer camps, we have an assortment of custom yo-yo options perfect for every type of event.

Boy Scouts – Building Character with a New Sport!
The Duncan Program is for Scouts who want to learn about modern yo-yoing. Each scout will be challenged to learn five levels of yo-yo skills, earning badges as they go. Building character and coordination with each level, a Scout will be recognized as an expert with a unique wings badge at program completion.

Duncan helps feed Cub Scouts’ curious minds through Yo-Yos!
Crafted by Duncan and the Scouts leaders, Cub Scouts can embark on an exciting Yo-Yo Preview Adventure that will improve their coordination while engaging their curious minds! Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts will have the opportunity to learn how yo-yos and pendulums work, while learning how to do basic yo-yo tricks. Older scouts will also learn how gravity and friction affects yo-yos. Through participation, Cub Scouts can earn a Belt loop or Adventure Pin to satisfy their requirements to move up to the next level.

Impacting the Future Generation at Schools
Our Imagine program is a motivational assembly combined with fun classroom activities for PE and Science classes. Our yo-yo program presenters use the yo-yo as a tool to empower youth with key life skills like confidence, goal setting, creativity, and positive thinking! Following our visit, teachers can implement their own yo-yo class activities with our additional FREE program resources.
Empowering Teachers with a Fun New Tool
Teachers and school Counselors can now learn how to implement their own yo-yo club and/or yo-yo learning activities through our new Yo-Yo University Webinars. Our webinars train educators and youth leaders how to teach and implement a yo-yo skill building unit in their class and/or use it as a tool to support positive emotional development.

Program Starter Kits – Get Equipped with the Best Gear
As experts in yo-yo play, we have created unique yo-yo kits designed specifically for each of our programs. Our starter kits feature the yo-yo’s and accessory gear needed to complete program objectives. Whether you are a scout, a student, or a teacher these starter kits will ensure your success as you learn.

Special Yo-Yo Case Packs for Groups, Troops and Classes
Need more than one yo-yo for a group, troop, or school class? Our yo-yo case packs offer an assortment of colors that are budget friendly! Case packs comes in 12 or 24 qty and can be bought at our special group/organization discounted pricing. Ranging from our very basic beginner yo-yo, the ProYo to our popular intermediate level yo-yo, the Freehand, simply choose the best case pack for your needs.
For more information, please visit www.duncanprograms.com.