Massachusetts State Yo-Yo Contest

The recent Massachusetts State Yo-Yo Contest in Northampton, MA was a great success for Team Duncan. Team members Remy Baskin, Tylor McCallumore, Dylan Ostrowski, and Miles Lance were all in attendance and absolutely tearing up the scene. Each member showcased their unique talent on stage, and theit performances were some of the most entertaining at the event! Massachusetts is one of the highest-skill areas in the American yo-yo scene, and many very talented yo-yo players were in attendance, making this contest one of the most competitive state and regional competitions of 2018. This, then, makes the team's performance even more impressive.
Most notable was Remy Baskin's three first place finishes, in the 1A, 2A, and 3A divisions. He threw down incredible freestyles in each division and they're all worth watching. Our favorite, and what we think will be yours, too, is his 1A freestyle:
In what some are calling one of the greatest regional and state two-minute freestyles of 2018, Remy shows that he's a contender for the 2019 competitive season and someone to look out for in the even more distant future. Remy brings out some next-level tricks, nails some incredibly difficult and new tricks with ease, and does so in style. We are incredibly impressed and are always looking forward to see what Remy has in store.
Also notable, however, was Team Duncan Next Generation's rising star Dylan Ostrowski's performance. Although he didn't place in the top 5 of the final round, he showed his incredible potential and is swiftly becoming a fan-favorite by Duncan and non-Duncan fans alike:
In his prelim freestyle, Dylan cracks out some very impressive tricks (with the new Orbit!) that just drip with potential and style. He is rising in the ranks of the yo-yo competition scene and it's only a matter of time until he's on top.
Tylor McCallumore also performed highly, placing 8th out of 16, with the high score of 74.0! Tylor brought his signature dense technical style to the MA States stage, and he put on a great show for all to see.
Team Duncan is perpetually impressing us at Duncan and we feel incredibly lucky to have such a talented team to promote our brand. As the 2018 competition cycle comes to a close, we look beyond 2018 to 2019. If this year was any indication of our how our team will perform in 2019, then we are going to have a good time full of great freestyles and innovative tricks. The 90th anniversary is going to be legendary.