Family Fun at Home!

Do you need a new activity that will engage your family and get them away from the TV? Duncan® has developed a program that is great for the entire family, adults included. Ranging from free online yo-yo tutorials to a family yo-yo contest, our program will inspire your kids to start a new sport. You may even find your inner child again and dust off your childhood yo-yo!
As the number one toy of all time and the second oldest toy in history, Duncan has been teaching our youth about yo-yoing around the world for nearly 90 years. Our youth program will provide hours of fun and numerous fine motor skill-building benefits including developing hand-eye coordination and concentration. Participating in the sport of yo-yoing will also help your child build self-confidence, determination and creativity.
Go back to the basics and share some of your best childhood memories with your family by starting with our free online yo-yo lessons. Our tutorials taught by actual yo-yo champions feature multiple tricks divided into five trick levels. For each trick level completed, your child can earn cool achievement patches. Who will be the yo-yo champion in your family?

Calling All Scouts
Our program was originally created for the Scouts. If you are a Scout, you can sign up and submit your troop information at Or if you have a child in the Cub Scouts, we have a special “digital adventure” they can participate in!

Duncan's exciting Yo-Yo Preview Adventure gives Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts the opportunity to learn how yo-yos and pendulums work, as well as basic yo-yo tricks. Duncan offers great tutorials and instructional videos to help you deliver this adventure and get Scouts started with basic yo-yoing. For more information, visit

Download the Family Yo-Yo Contest Guide Here.
Ready to get started? Click here to go directly to our yo-yo lesson tutorial page. Need a yo-yo? Visit our main page at to order or to watch videos of our team of champions showing off their cool skills! Use FAMILY25 to receive 25% off your Duncan Yo-Yo’s at checkout.