Ten Toys Under $10 to Keep Kids Busy

Are you a parent at home asking yourself how you can keep your kids entertained during school closures? As experts in skilled toy activities for kids, we have compiled a list of 10 toys under $10 that will keep your child entertained while helping them continue to develop their fine motor skills, overall concentration and focus.
To start our list off, we are going back to the basics to the third oldest toy in history, the yo-yo!
Yo-Yoing is one of the few skill toys that reach many aspects of life. Aside from learning excellent skills with a fun activity, it helps boost confidence, improves hand-eye coordination, builds character, and serves as a medium to express the artistic side of you.
Over the last 90 years, the design of a yo-yo and what can be done has drastically advanced into awe-inspiring yo-yo maneuvers with high-tech, fast spinning and easy to use designs. It has also become a new sport, one you can carry in your pocket, or backpack, and take anywhere…or do at home!
#1 Pick – Yo-Yo

As technology has evolved, so has the yo-yo. Today, there are many options to choose from ranging from the traditional wing shape to oversized yo-yos. Our pick for the beginner is The Reflex™. It is the easiest yo-yo for new players. Once the yo-yo loses too much spin, it will return to your hand without having to pull the string or get the timing right! In the center of the yo-yo is a centrifugal clutch. As the yo-yo loses spin, the clutch engages around the axle sending the Reflex™ automatically back to your hand. Consider this like a bike with training wheels. Once you learn proper timing then you can move on to the next level. Price $9.99 Buy Here
For kids that already know a few tricks and want to learn more advanced styles of yo-yo play, we suggest trying the Freehand or Off-string method. With the introduction of Freehand came a new way to perform tricks by attaching a counterweight to the end of the string. The string is no longer attached to your finger, allowing you to perform a new range of very cool tricks. Off-string is the opposite, while the string remains attached to your finger, it is not attached to the yo-yo. This allows cool maneuvers like what you would see with a diabolo…the giant yo-yo you often see during a Circus performance. Both are cool innovative techniques that will keep kids entertained for months!! Check out our fun videos here to see what can really be done with a yo-yo. www.yo-yo.com/product-videos
Join an Online Yo-Yo Club

The great thing about the sport of yo-yoing, is that it can be done at home but still allow kids to be a part of a club online. And since you are probably pulling out your old yo-yo right now or ordering a new one, add joining a yo-yo club to your list of activities.
Our yo-yo club youth program is an easy way to learn about modern yo-yoing. It is fun, collaborative, and builds a foundation for learning new skills! Kids around the world can visit our website or app to get free tutorials on our Yo-Yo Program tricks and earn patches as they learn! For more information about this visit us at www.yo-yo.com/scouts
#2 Pick – The Kendama

The kendama originates from early 18th century Japan. Players hold the ‘ken’ and perform tricks catching and tossing the ‘tama’ (ball). Kendamas are quickly becoming a staple for us at Duncan and are the second most popular toy that we have. Want to add a high-tech twist that your child will go crazy about? Check out our light up Kendama called The Torch™. Price $9.99 Buy Here
#3 Pick – Spin Tops

If you didn’t play with a yo-yo growing up, chances are you probably played with a spin top. Another classic toy, tops have been a standby since the creation of toys. We’ve kept the top around by creating durable and attractive versions w
hile keeping the same basic concept and style as homage to the tops early origins.
Designed with the child in mind, our Imperial® Spin Top is a light and comfortable in size. We've also designed the top with a no-mar tip, so you won’t have to worry about the top scratching up your floors! Price $3.99 Buy Here
#4 Pick – The Boomerang

While “sharing is caring” right now, our kids need fun sports activities that they can do without another child having to touch the object. The boomerang is a cool toy that a child can throw which returns to them unlike a frisbee or a ball. Made from soft and safe Memorang foam, the Indoor Booma is soft enough to throw safely indoors and has a flight range of 15 – 20 feet! We also have an outdoor version for those with yards to play in. Price $7.99 Buy Here
Race! Stack! Spin! Battle! The new version of a top, kids of this generation absolutely love gyro racers. Featuring a heavy-duty gyroscope within each collectable character, a child can simply rev up the Gyro Racers with only one or two thrusts. Play solo or with siblings. You can spin them upright, upside down, on top of each other, or on the special ring or cone. Price $ 5.99 Buy Here
#5 Pick – Footbags

Footbags are classic form of outdoor or indoor entertainment! Your children can use this to play competitive games against each other or to simply show off their dexterity skills. We’ve created three different styles to accommodate all levels of players, and styles of play. Made of durable pellet-filled synthetic leather, Daredevil™ footbag is great for BEGINNER footbag players learning the sport/hobby of footbag. Its 5-panel design makes learning easier and more fun! Price $5.99 Buy Here
#6 Pick – Juggling Balls

Juggling is another back to the basics activity that you probably tried at some point, but have your kids? To master the basic skill of juggling, using or finding the perfect three items to juggle is key. Tennis balls, apples and scarves can all be used but children and adults find it easier to juggle balls or bags that are filled with plastic beans, making catches comfortable and eliminating bounce when dropped. Our juggling balls also come with brightly colored vinyl shells that will make a child feel like the next circus star. Price: $8.99 Buy Here
#7 Pick – Gyro Racers

Race! Stack! Spin! Battle! The new version of a top, kids of this generation absolutely love gyro racers. Featuring a heavy-duty gyroscope within each collectable character, a child can simply rev up the Gyro Racers with only one or two thrusts. Play solo or with siblings. You can spin them upright, upside down, on top of each other, or on the special ring or cone. Price $ 5.99 Buy Here
Our list wouldn’t be complete without a few game cubes and puzzles that everyone will love! Both you and your child can challenge your solving skills while having loads of fun in the comfort of your living room.
#8 Pick – The Color Shift Puzzle Ball
The Color Shift Puzzle Ball can be solved by matching all the colored balls with their corresponding colored rings. There are 12 with only 11 filled with a colored ball. Utilize the empty hole to shift balls around to find their matching hole. Once all balls match their colored outer rings, the puzzle is solved! Price $7.99 Buy Here

Prefer a more traditional Cube puzzle? Check out The Duncan® Quick Cube™. It a features smoo
th, easy turning design to allow the user to "corner cut" for superior performance and play. Quick Cube $5.99
#9 Pick – The Mental Block

All of us suffer from occasional mental block, but Duncan provides relief with the new Mental Block brain twister. Fun for two to four players, this game is easy to learn, but a challenge to win! More fun than two-dimensional games, with the Mental Block you can go around corners and over walls. With alternating turns, simply be the first player to connect 4 pegs in a row, and you win! Other game variations included! Price $6.99 Buy Here
#10 Pick – Ultimate Disc

Whether a competitive Ultimate player, or simply a backyard thrower, the Duncan Ultimate is precision weighted for smooth, accurate flights. At 175 grams, the high performance Ultimate meets the official weight and size specifications for the Olympic Ultimate Games. Price $9.99 Buy Here
About Duncan® Toys
Duncan® is one of the oldest and best-known toy makers. Founded during the Great Depression, the story of Duncan® Toys is unique: one full of curiosity and invention that could only be fueled by the uniquely entrepreneurial spirit of America.
For over 90 years, we have crafted Yo-Yos for every generation. From school yard demonstrators selling hand-carved wooden yo-yos to new champions touring the globe, the way we play is always changing. However, the reasons we play are not. We are committed in engaging children of all ages and generations with top quality, durable Duncan® Yo-Yos. Whether you are shopping for your child or for your own inner child, we believe that our toys will help you find your inner fun.