Duncan Imagine School Program - Jennifer Baybrook

Last year, we worked with Jennifer Baybrook to create a new school yo-yo program that is fun, inspirational, and empowering for today’s youth, leaders and teachers. Our main goal is to motivate kids with a hands-on skill building activity that instills positive emotional concepts with physical education benefits.

Link: https://www.yo-yo.com/schools
Students can learn fun yo-yo tricks while engaging in laughter and storytelling.
We call the show "Imagine". All school performances are done in South Florida to Central Florida. We have plans to expand, but for now, we want to focus on where we have plenty of human resources. A little introduction, Jennifer Baybrook is a National Yo-Yo Master, and the first-ever women World Yo-Yo Champion! Throughout her career, she traveled throughout 15 countries and 32 states, promoting yo-yos and empowering the youth.
Quick Q and A with Jennifer below!
Why are you doing it?

Because I love motivating children and showing them that in the word impossible is "I'm possible!”. We can do anything we imagine, we just need to believe that we can. I love yo-yo's and they have changed my life for the better. I hope that I can share my experiences and my passion to help change the lives of kids. I believe that with the Duncan Imagine program we will be able to empower youth with a world of possibilities, friendship and a new sport!
How long have you been playing yo-yo?

Too long. Not to age myself but ….over 30 years. Demonstrating? 30 years.
What inspired you to do the imagine show?

I've always loved motivating and inspiring kids but now it's my passion. Our society and today's youth are struggling with such high levels of bullying, self-esteem problems, anxiety and more. We have the ability to reach kids with a positive message in a fun way that they can relate to. I hope that it is a message that they won't just hear but that they will remember each time they throw their yo-yo.
Imagine the impossible because in the word impossible is I’m Possible!
How yo-yoing can help kids around the globe?

By giving them a community of friends and people who embrace being unique and being creative. This is a sport that any child can be a part of and they can do it at their own pace. It is especially great for kids with ADD, ADHD, anxiety, eating disorders, social awkwardness and other things that may prevent them from participating in the "normal" school sports or activities.